How should you approach this 24-year-old's knee case?

This 24-year-old reports for a knee MRI. She reports no injury, but her knee is misaligned and pain is worse with activity.

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How does this 61-year-old's wrist diagnosis differ from a young athlete's?

This 61-year-old male has wrist pain. What is the clinical diagnosis based on MRI? What is the most common symptomatic extensor compartment in a 61-year-old? What is the most common symptomatic extensor compartment for a 25-year-old active person?

Axial PD

Axial T2

The diagnosis in this case is hypertrophic tendinopathy and peritendinitis of the extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus or de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis/syndrome. The most common symptomatic extensor compartment in a 61-year-old is the first one, as seen in this case. As for a 25-year-old athlete, the most common symptomatic extensor compartment is the sixth, or extensor carpi ulnaris. It is not uncommon to see tumefaction or "grey" inflammatory signal on T1 imaging around extensor compartment No. 1 (green arrows, image 1) with de Quervain's disease. For more case review, head to MRI Online.

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