How should you approach this 24-year-old's knee case?

This 24-year-old reports for a knee MRI. She reports no injury, but her knee is misaligned and pain is worse with activity.

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Elbow: No known injury-but missing component of lateral stabilizers

This 65-year-old presents for an elbow MRI with no known injury. Can you name the components of lateral stabilizers and what is missing? Let the arrows be your clue.


Dynamic stabilizers are musculotendinous extensors and these are ruptured from their origin. Static stabilizers include:

  • Lateral ulnar collateral ligament- intact (LUCL - double arrows, image one)
  • Annular ligament (not seen)
  • Accessory annular ligament (not seen)
  • Lateral capsule (torn-arrow, images two and three)
  • Proper radial collateral ligament (torn-arrow, images two and three).

For additional case review resources, check out MRI Online.

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